Where To Buy The Cheapest Clubs

You won’t learn about the best golf courses to play, or where to buy the cheapest clubs, The New Four Magic Moves is about the most important aspect of golf there is - your swing"

In one phrase, it's the golf swing made simple!

The video, eBook and audio course consists of 11 chapters, 56 pictures and over 5 hours of audio. Here is what this packed golf instruction course includes...

Why don't more people play better golf than they do? 

The blunt truth is that they do not because the golf swing is heavily overlaid with sludge of fallacy, misunderstanding, faulty theory, myth, and just plain ignorance. 

Sweeping Out the Rubbish. 

Watch carefully. Either puts a heavy impost on a player before he makes a move to swing the club. The Backswing. 

Now you are ready to start the swing, to uncover the first fatal flaws that appear, with the horrible shots they produce, and to learn the first of the magic moves that will cut strokes from your score. It is the key move and the foundation of the swing

The position at the top of the backswing is important. If it is reached correctly it means you are halfway through the swing correctly. 

Not only can the swing be ruined by this move, it is ruined about 95 per cent of the time. 

Through The Ball. The Short Game. 

As we see it, the short game falls, into four categories: the short pitch from thirty yards down, the green-side trap shot, the chip from the fringe, and the putt. On a golf course, as a rule, trouble comes at us swiftly and unexpectedly. The Early Break and the Late Hit—Secrets of Timing and Rhythm. 

The answer to the effort-distance puzzle is timing, but just what is timing? Today you will learn the secrets of timing and rhythm. So far, everything in this book and audio course has dealt with the physical actions of golf, the positions and movements of your hands, your feet, your body, your arms, and of the club itself. 

There is another side of golf, though, that is all too frequently overlooked in our sometimes-frantic efforts to master the swing. The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf course is a PDF file Portable Document Format, MP3 files and which can be loaded on both PC's or Mac's Specifically, you get...
Over 5 hours of stimulating audio that offers an amazing insight into how YOU can easily change your golf swing. 56 detailed illustrations and photographs that offer a visual demonstration of how to improve your golf, step by step.
Easily refer to particular points in the book on the golf course with your smart phone!

The book and audio course contains....

"Relax" - "Use a light grip" - "Be loose" - "Take the club back inside" - "The club follows the same path coming down that it takes going up" - "Pause at the top" - "Turn the hips to the left" - "Keep the head still" - "Start down with a pull of the left arm" - "Have the face open at the top" - "Don't let the body or hands get ahead of the club" - "Be comfortable" - "Break the wrists late" - "Swing the club head" - "Hit against a firm left side" - "Snap your wrists into the shot" - "Hit hard with the right hand" - "Don't drop the right shoulder" - "Hit down on the ball" - "Use your natural swing" - "Follow through" - "Don't quit on the shot" - "Probate your wrists" - "Pivot the body" - "Positions at address and impact must be the same"

The first Magic Move - The Thumb Press - Into the Swing - What It Does

The Fatal Flaw - The 2nd Magic Move - A Straight Left Wrist - The Shoulder Tap

The Fatal Flaws - The 3rd Magic Move - How It Feels - The Check Points -Eternal Preoccupation with the Club Head - The Insidious Hand Lag - Hold the Wrist Position