Tee Height for Draws and Fades

Tee Height for Draws and Fades

The myth of simple golf swing

I have an fantastic golf skill of you. I recently play18 holes on a little bit of an peculiar golf course.

It was a fantastic golf course, but the first 9 holes, there was out of variety on the whole staying aspect.

On the coming back 9 there was wilderness on the whole right aspect, the first nine holes, issues staying.

The golf strategy I used was that on the first 9 holes golf  ball exactly the same dimension, as near to the earth as I probably could.

The last 9 holes, I teed every tee taken fantastic as probably I could .

On the first 9 holes, when I teed it down low, if you tee a golf ball as low as possible to the ground, it’s very complicated to get the group encounter to go over and to hook up it.

I never linked one golf  ball out of variety for the first nine holes.
The last nine holes, issues right, this is very complicated to item from here.

The group will go over and you will end up linking the tee taken way before you would item it.

I missed one fairway on the top part nine and I never missed a fairway on the coming back nine.

The golf way to use here is instead of changing your shift, change the way you tee it: low for stops of items and fantastic for draws of these distinct “claws”.

Thanks and go out, try it.

Read More.. www.golfswingguru.com