Incredible golfsense of golf school

Incredible golfsense of  golf school.

Get the most proven, step-by-step shortcuts to a great PGA Tour quality golf swing so you too can…

“Start To Build An Effortless, SilkySmooth And Powerful Golf Swing That All Great Golfers Have In Less Than 5 Minutes From Now”

Keep reading to find out more about the most systematic way to build a golf swing like a pro — that will have you hitting longer, straighter and more consistent golf shots than ever before!

hen you watch the pro’s swinging on TV (or live) there’s one comment you can make about almost all of them…
“Their golf swings look so smooth, rhythmical and effortless.  It’s like they aren’t even trying hard to hit the golf ball but the ball goes so far and straight!

So how do they hit the golf ball so far and straight with such a smooth, effortless swing?  And do you think there might be a link between having a smooth and effortless golf swing and being a low handicap, consistent golfer?

Also, have you noticed that today’s great golfers, as well as yesterday’s great golfers, all look so smooth and effortless when they swing?  It doesn’t matter what era of great golfer you look at, their golf swings are all smooth and effortless.

See, when you watch any really good golfer swing it’s like they’re swinging so smoothly yet the ball travels so far.  They look like they are taking a simple, graceful swing and yet the ball flies off the clubface like a bullet from a gun.

How do they do it?

Incredible golfsense of  golf school.Also, most of the top golfers in the world are average size people that regularly hit 300 yard plus drives.   They are generally nothing more than average joe’s.  Yet they make it look so easy to hit the ball so straight and far. How can they do it when you get guys who have been great at other sports (like Charles Barkley) that really suck at golf?

How do average size golfers build a swing that is so smooth and effortless yet the ball goes a country mile consistently (think Ben Hogan, Tom Watson, Sergio Garcia, Rory McIlroy, Jack Nicklaus, Tom Kite)?

How do they build a great golf swing like that?

Now think about the average golfer’s swing. (maybe your golf swing?)

It’s complicated with a thousand and one moving parts, bad balance, no rhythm and jerky which hit’s the ball fat one time, thin the next.

Slices one shot way right and then pulls the next way left.  The average golfer’s golf swing generally looks nothing like the powerful, smooth and effortless swing of the great golfers, right?

Watch this video to see the proof of what I’m saying…

See, when you play golf do you often see golfers that are trying to murder the ball, swinging as hard as they can, no rhythm, are off balance and as a result have a terrible finish to the golf swing just like the amateurs in that video above?  And do you see any golfers with swings like that hit the ball consistently straight and long, shot after shot?

Of course you don’t!

The great golfers finish their swing in balance because they are swinging smoothly with very little wasted motion.  They swing easy with Effortless Power, whereas the average amateur golfer swings with Powerful Effort.  The bad swings are filled with huge amounts of effort, contortions and look plain bad.  So again, let me ask you…

Do you think there might be a link between taking an effortlessly powerful, smooth and graceful golf swing and being a low handicap, consistent golfer?

Well, I know there is.

My name is Jeff Richmond and I’m the Director of Instruction for the online Consistent Golf School.  I have seen thousands of golfers swings over the last 25 years that I have been playing and teaching golf, and there is always a HUGE difference between a great golfers swing and an average golfers swing.

So that begs the question….

What can the average golfer do to build a great golf swing like the best golfers in the world so they too can have lower scores, more enjoyment and impress their friends?

Before I tell you what you need to do here’s what you don’t need:
 You don’t need “daily instructional” videos
 You don’t need lots more training aids
 You don’t need lots more tips
 You don’t need more conflicting advice from one golf pro after another
 You don’t need to be overloaded with golf information and advice causing you to not know who or what to   believe

What you need to do to build your own perfect golf swing is to FOCUS and follow a proven, step-by-step program that walks you through every step needed to help you create a great, professional quality golf swing.

But there’s good news and bad news as far as that is concerned.
First, the bad news.  You cannot build a smooth, graceful, powerful golf swing overnight like some people claim e.g. takes a bucket of balls to learn, you’ll learn this new swing overnight, gain 30 yards in one hour etc., etc.

Those types of statements are lies!

The great golfers didn’t build a great golf swing overnight so what makes any other golfer think they’re different?

So that’s the bad news.  Now for the good news, which is…
When you’re building your own perfect golf swing you don’t need to get worse before you get better.

You can start to see improvement straight away (within the next 5 minutes) and then keep on improving all the way through the process of building your own perfect golf swing.

Plus, there’s proven shortcuts to building a great, effortlessly powerful golf swing that will speed up your progress.

You see, I have designed a step-by-step program that gives you one new thing each week to help you build the perfect golf swing for you.  The reason you can’t swing like the great golfers is because you haven’t formed the good habits like they have.

You might be thinking they spent thousands of hours to do that and you simply don’t have the time.  Well, on one hand that’s true and on the other it’s false.

See, while it’s true they spent a lot of time hitting balls, all great golfers went systematically through a process of building the perfect golf swing for them, starting with the grip.

But they had to use painful trial and error to find out what works and what doesn’t.   You can now do what they did to build a golf swing that hits straight and long golf shots consistently WITHOUT the painful trial and error they went through to get it.

But for this program to work for you like you want it to you need to FOCUS on it.

Another big reason why you haven’t built a great, consistent golf swing is because you haven’t focused on doing it.  Nope, you’ve gone from one thing to another and when I say focus, here’s a quote from Bruce Lee that sums up that….

“I  fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”
Bruce Lee

See, no seriously good golfer is going to worry about playing against some golfer that goes from swing tip to swing tip, from swing method to swing method.

No great golfer is going to worry about playing against some golfer that watches a new golf instructional video every day or reads a new tip every day.   No, the great golfers fear the golfers that have mastered the grip, the setup, the take-away, the backswing, the transition, the downswing and then impact.

Do you want to join them?

Well, if you do then you have to focus exclusively on following this step-by-step program to building a great golf swing just like a pro.  You can’t go looking for tips and advice from other golf pro’s. You’ll get screwed up if you do that.

But I promise you that when you join this online golf school you’ll build a great golf swing and you’ll start improving from the very first lesson.


You don’t have to get worse before getting better.

Who would want to do that?!

Look, here’s some results from golfers who have been through this long game improvement programalready….

“After completing this program my golf swing has vastly improved.  Playing partners are asking me what I have been doing because my swing looks a lot better and my shots are going further and a lot straighter.  I am very happy to have completed this program as I have been guilty of going from one thing to another with very little to show for it.

I am very fanatical about keeping my game stats and I can tell you that since starting and completing this program my scores are on average 7.4 lower than before I started.

The instructions I was given each week were very easy to follow and implement.  I have never seen a swing improvement program that has such high quality instruction in it.  Thanks for all your help and I look forward to improving other facets of my golf game as much, with your help.”
Scott Calso, California, USA

“Wow, I was looking at my swing on video after completing the program and the difference between the start and now is like night and day.

From the beginning I noticed improvement and it kept building as I completed each lesson.

This was exactly what I have been looking for as I lacked focus.  My slice is now gone.  My shots are now going at least 30 yards further.  My handicap has gone done from 21 to 13!  This all adds up to a much more enjoyable game. I can’t recommend this high enough.  All my buddies are sick of hearing about it LOL”
Victor Hansen, Texas, USA

“From the very first lesson I started to improve my ball striking.  It didn’t happen overnight but after every new lesson I would work on a new component of my swing and my ball striking would get a little more consistent.

The cumulative effect of this has been quite remarkable.

The first (which I didn’t expect) was a more pain free golf swing.  My friends say it’s because my swing is much more simple now.  Even though I am swinging easier the ball is going a lot further.

At a guess I would say a good 20 yards further.  This certainly makes golf more fun.  The instructions in the lessons were very detailed and easy to follow.  Thank you for taking the time to put together such a wonderful way to learn a golf swing.”
Jack Nathan, New York, USA