The myth of simple golf swing
Greenside Bunker. The myth of simple golf swing
If you’ve just recently played a round of golf, if you really struggle with your sand game, I have a golf lesson that’s going to help you a lot here.Now, here’s the golf lesson for setting up for a bunker shot. The ball goes across from your left foot always when the ball’s setting up. You're trying to put a little sand between the club face and the golf ball, and lift it and throw it out of the bunker.
So, the setup: Weight left, ball off your left foot, full arm swing. But don’t transfer your weight over to your right side. Here’s a golf lesson if the ball is buried. If it’s buried, this swing won’t work because the club won’t go steep enough. So, put the ball in the middle of your stance, weight over on your left leg.
Don’t open the face, and catch a little sand behind the ball and throw it out on the green.
Short Game – Chipping Golf Instruction.
Of course, you need the backswing and the downswing, but if you're not standing to it properly, hitting the golf ball with the correct impact is going to be a very difficult thing to do.
I’m going to give you some chipping golf instruction. The next time you're out playing, check your ball position. Critical, the very first thing, make sure that the golf ball is in the middle of your stance, not off your left foot, not off your front foot, and not off your back foot, but in the middle.
The next part of the chipping golf instruction is to make sure you put your weight on your left leg, not in the middle, not on your right leg, but on your left leg. This enables the golf club to swing up and down so you’ll make solid contact with the golf ball.
And then, this will enable the golf club to go up so it comes back down and makes solid contact with the golf ball.
Stance and Ball Flight.
I’m going to talk with you about how to draw the golf ball, hook the golf ball, or fade or slice the golf ball on purpose.
That way, the next time you go play, if you have a dogleg right or a dogleg left, or the wind’s blowing from the left or wind’s blowing from the right, you’ll be able to curve the golf ball that will be beneficial towards you.
I’m going to give you a couple of ideas on how to draw the golf ball.
After you go through your routine, make sure that you aim the golf ball further right than normal, than you're used to.
The second thing is I’m going to give you some golf grip instruction. You should turn your grip a little bit to the right. This will encourage the face to curve over.
Now let me give you a little bit of information on how to make the golf ball fade.
After you’ve gone through your routine and you’ve aimed down the left side of the fairway, another golf trip instruction is to make sure that before you draw the golf club back that you turn your grip to the left a little bit. Now let’s spend a minute correcting a hook. The golf grip instruction is to make sure that it’s over to the left a little bit and that will encourage the face to stay open.
If you’ve been slicing the ball, make sure you turn your grip a little bit further to the right, and that will help the golf club close and bring the ball back to center instead of slicing so much.
Tee Height for Draws and Fades.
I have a great golf strategy for you. I recently played 18 holes on a little bit of an odd golf course.
On the back nine there was desert on the entire right side, the first nine holes, trouble left.

The golf strategy I used was that on the first 9 holes, I teed every golf ball exactly the same height, as close to the ground as I possibly could.
The last nine holes, I teed every tee shot as high as I possibly could.
On the first nine holes, when I teed it down low, if you tee a golf ball as low as possible to the ground, it’s very difficult to get the club face to cross over and to hook it. I never hooked one ball out of bounds for the first nine holes.
The last nine holes, trouble right, this is very difficult to slice from here. The golf club will cross over and you’ll wind up hooking the tee shot way before you’d slice it.
The golf strategy to use here is instead of changing your golf swing, change the way you tee it: low for fades of slices and high for draws of hooks.
Timing – Golf Instruction.
It’s called timing. Whenever you watch a good player hit a golf ball and or when you hit a good shot, this is what timing means. First of all, some people swing the arms down, and this never moves and you stay still. If you do that, you would be one that would come down and the club face closes quickly at the bottom of the hit.
If your timing is off because you didn’t move the bottom out of the way, the arms will cross over real quick.
On the other hand, most of the golfing public, when they swing down, their body moves out of the way and leaves the club behind them and open.
So, a little golf instruction lesson, if your timing is off and your body’s too quick, you’ll go to the right. If your timing’s off and your body’s a little too slow, you might hook it.
If your timing is on, all that’s saying is that you have the combination of the body, the bottom part of the body moving out of the way, as the arms swing down.
Again, the body moves, arms swing down. It’s just a combination of getting the arms and the hands to match up with the bottom part of the golf swing.
There is a big difference between the golf swing basics of pitching the golf ball in and around the edges of the green, over bunkers, over little trees, over a pond, 30 yards, 20 yards, 40 yards, and the golf swing basics of hitting your full pitch shot swing.

Whenever I’m talking about chipping and pitching, I’m talking about golf shots that are in and around the green. If I’m not talking about that, then I’m talking about your full swing.
Now, if you want to hit a full wedge shot, it will go way over the green.
With the 90-yard swing, you can see a difference with your golf swing basics at address. Your body turns, your shoulders turn, which moves the weight a little bit over to the right side, and the arms swing up and down.
As you start to bring the golf club back, your shoulders start to turn and your weight moves backwards a little bit. That’s a full golf swing.
And the 40-yard pitch shot is a big difference in the two swings. One, the 100-yard wedge was just like the driver swing, but with a wedge in your hand.
The pitch shot is a miniature little tiny golf swing that you don’t move any weight to your right side.
Full Swing Alignment.
I want to give you a little golf swing lesson that I think will help you a lot.
Grip the golf club like you normally would, and put it on the ground. Now raise it up in the air and make half a golf swing, or really, all the way back, and then stop.
Now, look at that club face. That club face should be perfectly square.
Now, here’s a golf swing lesson in case you grip it off to the right a little bit. Alright. Now, maybe you’re hooking the ball, but you’re not paying attention to your grip.
Now that club face is closed, and that right there would tell me that you need to change your grip. Maybe you’re slicing the ball and not paying close attention to my grip.
Okay, the club face is open. Then I would put it on the ground and turn it a little bit until it’s square.
This controls the face. Ninety percent of the time that’s the reason the face isn’t square.
So, if you're convinced that you're slicing and hooking and it has to do with the grip, the golf swing lesson is that all you have to do is hold the club in the air and take a little half-practice swing and see if the face comes back square.
Short Game – Chipping Golf Instruction. The myth of simple golf swing
Of course, you need the backswing and the downswing, but if you're not standing to it properly, hitting the golf ball with the correct impact is going to be a very difficult thing to do.
I’m going to give you some chipping golf instruction. The next time you're out playing, check your ball position. Critical, the very first thing, make sure that the golf ball is in the middle of your stance, not off your left foot, not off your front foot, and not off your back foot, but in the middle.

And then, this will enable the golf club to go up so it comes back down and makes solid contact with the golf ball.
Stance and Ball Flight. The myth of simple golf swing
I’m going to talk with you about how to draw the golf ball, hook the golf ball, or fade or slice the golf ball on purpose.
That way, the next time you go play, if you have a dogleg right or a dogleg left, or the wind’s blowing from the left or wind’s blowing from the right, you’ll be able to curve the golf ball that will be beneficial towards you.
I’m going to give you a couple of ideas on how to draw the golf ball.
After you go through your routine, make sure that you aim the golf ball further right than normal, than you're used to.
The second thing is I’m going to give you some golf grip instruction. You should turn your grip a little bit to the right. This will encourage the face to curve over.
Now let me give you a little bit of information on how to make the golf ball fade.
After you’ve gone through your routine and you’ve aimed down the left side of the fairway, another golf trip instruction is to make sure that before you draw the golf club back that you turn your grip to the left a little bit. Now let’s spend a minute correcting a hook. The golf grip instruction is to make sure that it’s over to the left a little bit and that will encourage the face to stay open.
If you’ve been slicing the ball, make sure you turn your grip a little bit further to the right, and that will help the golf club close and bring the ball back to center instead of slicing so much.
Tee Height for Draws and Fades. The myth of simple golf swing
I have a great golf strategy for you. I recently played 18 holes on a little bit of an odd golf course.
On the back nine there was desert on the entire right side, the first nine holes, trouble left.

The golf strategy I used was that on the first 9 holes, I teed every golf ball exactly the same height, as close to the ground as I possibly could.
The last nine holes, I teed every tee shot as high as I possibly could.
On the first nine holes, when I teed it down low, if you tee a golf ball as low as possible to the ground, it’s very difficult to get the club face to cross over and to hook it. I never hooked one ball out of bounds for the first nine holes.
The last nine holes, trouble right, this is very difficult to slice from here. The golf club will cross over and you’ll wind up hooking the tee shot way before you’d slice it.
The golf strategy to use here is instead of changing your golf swing, change the way you tee it: low for fades of slices and high for draws of hooks.
Timing – Golf Instruction. The myth of simple golf swing
It’s called timing. Whenever you watch a good player hit a golf ball and or when you hit a good shot, this is what timing means. First of all, some people swing the arms down, and this never moves and you stay still. If you do that, you would be one that would come down and the club face closes quickly at the bottom of the hit.
If your timing is off because you didn’t move the bottom out of the way, the arms will cross over real quick.
On the other hand, most of the golfing public, when they swing down, their body moves out of the way and leaves the club behind them and open.
So, a little golf instruction lesson, if your timing is off and your body’s too quick, you’ll go to the right. If your timing’s off and your body’s a little too slow, you might hook it.
If your timing is on, all that’s saying is that you have the combination of the body, the bottom part of the body moving out of the way, as the arms swing down.
Again, the body moves, arms swing down. It’s just a combination of getting the arms and the hands to match up with the bottom part of the golf swing.
Pitching Shots vs. Full Swing. The myth of simple golf swing

Whenever I’m talking about chipping and pitching, I’m talking about golf shots that are in and around the green. If I’m not talking about that, then I’m talking about your full swing.
Now, if you want to hit a full wedge shot, it will go way over the green.
With the 90-yard swing, you can see a difference with your golf swing basics at address. Your body turns, your shoulders turn, which moves the weight a little bit over to the right side, and the arms swing up and down.
As you start to bring the golf club back, your shoulders start to turn and your weight moves backwards a little bit. That’s a full golf swing.
And the 40-yard pitch shot is a big difference in the two swings. One, the 100-yard wedge was just like the driver swing, but with a wedge in your hand.
The pitch shot is a miniature little tiny golf swing that you don’t move any weight to your right side.
Full Swing Alignment. The myth of simple golf swing
I want to give you a little golf swing lesson that I think will help you a lot.
Grip the golf club like you normally would, and put it on the ground. Now raise it up in the air and make half a golf swing, or really, all the way back, and then stop.
Now, look at that club face. That club face should be perfectly square.
Now, here’s a golf swing lesson in case you grip it off to the right a little bit. Alright. Now, maybe you’re hooking the ball, but you’re not paying attention to your grip.
Now that club face is closed, and that right there would tell me that you need to change your grip. Maybe you’re slicing the ball and not paying close attention to my grip.
Okay, the club face is open. Then I would put it on the ground and turn it a little bit until it’s square.
This controls the face. Ninety percent of the time that’s the reason the face isn’t square.
So, if you're convinced that you're slicing and hooking and it has to do with the grip, the golf swing lesson is that all you have to do is hold the club in the air and take a little half-practice swing and see if the face comes back square.