Incredible golfsense fitness challenge

Incredible golfsense fitness challenge Discover the 3 Easiest Ways to Improve your Body and Lower your Golf Score…Designed Especially for Amateurs who Want More from their Game

PLUS, Increase Your Energy Levels So That You Begin Finishing Stronger Than You Started!

Let me ask you something –if you had the opportunity to get advice from a professional golf fitness trainer (one who traveled and trained professional golfers on tour) who told you exactly what exercises to do, stretches to do and how to eat to better manage your energy on the course,  do you think that you would play any better? 

If so, please join me NOW as I have an exciting invitation just for you!

If you are one of the many golfers around the world with a burning desire to improve your golf game, if you would like nothing more than to add distance to your drives and energy to your performance then this letter is exactly what you need to read.
Here’s why:

In just a few moments I’m going to reveal how you can get in shape and dramatically improve your golf game in as little as six weeks.
That’s right, you’re about to discover a quick and easy way to get a golf body you’re proud of and a golf game worth bragging about!

No longer do you have to pay thousands of dollars for training and coaching that doesn’t work …No longer do you have to travel the entire globe in search of some obscure guru who claims to know the secret to increasing your drives by15 to 20 yards but really doesn’t know anymore than you do …Now everything you need to know is right in front of you. This is your chance to discover:
  • How to dramatically lower your golf score
  • How to dramatically increase your drive distance
  • How to get in the best shape of your life … and earn jealous glances from friends and admiring looks from members of the opposite sex
  • And, maybe most importantly, how to start beating the competition like a drum on the golf course!
If you have ever wanted to reach your full potential as a golfer …
If you have ever wanted to become the best player in your circle of friends and acquaintances or at your regular golf course …
… Then I URGE you to keep reading!

Are You Tired of Playing & Practicing Regularly But Then NOT Seeing Any Improvement Out on the Golf Course?

If so, we can help! Hello, my name is Susan Hill and I’m an avid golfer and professional golf fitness trainer.
What this really means is that I earn a full-time living training professional players on tour in addition to my work with competitive juniors, collegiate golf teams, recreational players and competitive golfers of all levels.
Here I am in this photo along with famous putting instructor, Mike Shannon from Sea Island, Georgia, and PGA and LPGA golf instructor, Gary Gilchrist from the Gary Gilchrist Golf Academies. We had this photo taken in Bogota, Columbia where we presented and worked with the South American Golf Federation.
You may have seen some of my work in Golf Illustrated, Atlanta Golfer, Resort Living, SELF magazine, GolfersMd or a number of other golf related magazines and websites. Or perhaps you have heard my voice on interviews with ESPN or as a host of my own internet radio show dedicated to golf fitness.
Not only do I understand the performance needs of golfers, but I have a long history of helping them achieve the body and the swing they are looking for.
In many cases, I am brought in on short notice when a professional player or amateur in a tournament is frustrated with playing performance, nagging injuries or just not getting the results from the shots, they should.
Something usually doesn’t feel ‘right’ and they don’t have the luxury of waiting around to see what happens.
What I really want to tell you is that you’re finally dealing with someone who can take you by the hand and help you accomplish what you’ve been dreaming about … and that is dramatically improving your golf game.
You see, over the years I’ve seen golfer after golfer spend ridiculous amounts of money and time trying to improve with very poor results.
I’ve seen many drive hours to see some hot trainer who in the end doesn’t improve their game one little bit. I’ve seen others spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on training materials and coaches but then end up playing the same way round after round after round.
Well, I for one am frustrated. You see, the simple truth, and what most golfers don’t realize, is that if you perform the right exercises and stretches for your game, you WILL SEE AND FEEL A DRAMATIC DIFFERENCE… a DIFFERENCE that will change your game and result in immediate improvement on the golf course!
It’s true. Start doing just a few simple exercises and stretches and you can:
  • Hit the ball farther
  • Hit the ball straighter
  • Gain control over your swing
  • Gain confidence in your game
  • Start playing like a pro – and routinely beat your friends and opponents!

But, Where Can You Find a Program That Includes the Stretches and Exercises as well as the Nutritional Information You Need to Improve Your Golf Game?

Well, the truth is you couldn’t … until now. The problem is that the handful of guys (and gals) that can teach you but are too busy working with players on tour. Then, of course, you have regular personal trainers who don’t know anything about the game of golf, and have zero experience working with the pros.

You see, I recently turned to my friend, Craig Ballantyne, to help me come up with a complete program that golfers no matter what age or skill level can use to get better – much, much better.
Craig is a much-sought-after fitness expert and consultant to Men’s Health magazine, one of the most popular fitness publications in the world, and Oxygen magazine.
In fact, his fat loss and workout tips are featured every month in Men’s Health.
Craig’s sports training articles and workouts can also be found on a number of websites and in many other magazines such as Maximum Fitness and Muscle & Fitness Hers.
His particular area of expertise includes helping busy men and women lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in as little time as possible. He also has an extensive research background and keeps himself up to date on the latest scientific findings that will help improve client’s health and wellness and their physical and mental performance.

Craig’s Turbulence Training Program has been sold in over 25 countries around the world and his clients continue to see solid results based on their dedication and efforts.
Together, Craig and I have created a very specific and easy-to-use exercise, stretch and nutrition program that when followed will completely transform a golfer’s body and game!

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