Secret of short game

The Secret to Sticking Every Short Game Shot Within 6

Feet from the Pin Has Been Revealed in 5, Easy to Remember, Principles that will Have you Breaking Personal Records Almost Overnight.

I’m going to give you almost criminally-clever tricks, tips, and secrets of the pros that give you unbelievable accuracy, breath-taking impact, and machine-like consistency for every shot you make around the green (where almost 2/3 of your game is played)!

But here’s the kicker – if you’re just the “average golfer,” you won’t want them…

The only thing the average golfer’s looking for is distance. Nine out of ten golfers don't give a flying hoot whether they shoot 90 or 120, as long as they can launch towering drives just like Tiger Woods.

If you have the Full-Swing Downloadable DVD from us you already have the secrets of hitting long, accurate shots. Nope. It's about the short-game - that critical area that begins about 40 yards from the pin and ends when you pull out your putter. The short game isn't as glamorous as a 300-yard howitzer-shot drive… Drive for show, but...

Pitch For Dough!

No hard work necessary. It’s easy. EASY. Once you know the secrets.

So, here’s the deal: We've put together 10 compact and amazingly simple lessons on the short game for you (they only average about 4 minutes). Using slow motion, high definition cameras and running each swing through professional swing analysis software - each lesson is exactingly presented from multiple angles, allowing them to lock into your head permanently.

Forget about hitting longer drives for now. To Your Drives!

The top touring professionals know they will stay on top only as long as their short game is sharp. That's why they spend 90% of their practice time perfecting the secrets of their short game.

The fact is, you can scuff a drive barely past the forward tees and STILL make par… if you know the tricks of the pro short game. However… for the golfer who DOES know the simple secrets of the short game… well, golf suddenly becomes EASY.

Listen: The BEST professionals only hit about 13 greens in regulation in any given round. (“Regulation” means, of course, that you allow for two putts on every hole… so you have two strokes to hit the green on a par 4, one stroke to hit it on par 3s, and three strokes to hit the green on a par 5.)

The vast majority of golfers out there have trouble hitting the green from 10 yards out. Or, worse, even if they DO hit the green on a chip shot, they can’t make their ball STAY on the green. I’m here to tell you that in just a little over an hour, you can learn ALL the tricks and secrets of the professional short game.  Place your ball within feet of the pin from 40 yards out every time!

 Stop “scooping” your chips and pitches (like 99% of all golfers do) and start nailing every short shot with a consistent and reliable swing that forces your ball to land softly with controlled roll!

The plain truth is, you could muff every tee shot and half your putts and STILL beat everyone else for the round… just by using these short game secrets!

It’s really fun, too.  The 4 simple secrets of perfect short game control! (You’ll never be uncomfortable making a shot again!)

The bottom line is… what do you care what the rest of the golfing world does? They’re all going to stay in their little golfing ruts forever, most of them never figuring out the secrets that really work, never improving, never getting to really enjoy the game. You know there are secrets that will open up the pro game to you. You know that a video can change your life, forever… if it simply reveals the honest secrets.

Best of all... if, after you've taken the time to learn these secrets... if you DON’T go out and drop Another 7 strokes off your average within 2 rounds... then..