Pitching Shots vs. Full Swing

Pitching Shots vs. Full Swing

The myth of simple golf swing
There is a big distinction between the move fundamentals of pitching the  golf ball in and around the sides of the natural, over sand traps, over little plants, over a lake, 30 metres, 20 metres, 40 metres, and the move fundamentals of reaching your full message taken move.

Whenever I’m referring to cracking and pitching, I’m referring to shot that are in and around the natural. If I’m not referring to that, then I’m referring to your full move.
The technique to hit to the natural in front of you is golf ball in the center, bodyweight left, handle forward.

And it’s an arm move.

Now, if you want to hit a complete pitching wedge taken, it will go way over the natural.
With the 90-yard move, you can see a distinction with your move fundamentals at address. Your body changes, back convert, which goes the bodyweight a little bit over to the right leg, and the hands move up and down.

As you begin to bring the club  back, back begin to convert and your bodyweight goes in reverse a little bit. That is a complete move.

And the 40-yard message taken is a big distinction in the two shifts. One, the 100-yard pitching wedge was just like the car owner move, but with a pitching wedge in your hand.

The message taken is a small little small move that you don’t move any bodyweight to your right leg.
I hope that can help you, and thanks.