The myth of simple golf bunker

The myth of simple golf bunker

Amazing Long-lost Manuscript Resurfaces With The Secrets To  Precision Iron Play For Today's Budding Golfers 

The myth of simple golf bunker. If you'd like to master your iron play like a PGA Pro and  play the best golf possible every time you hit the links -- without paying for years of professional coaching, then this long-lost golfing gem is for you.

My name's Jeff Taylor and quite by chance I stumbled across this revolutionary style of playing the golf irons. It's so amazing and unlike anything I've ever seen before. Yet it’s incredibly natural.... astonishingly accurate.... and SO EASY.... that I just had to sit down and tell you about it right away.

You see a little while ago, I was struggling to perfect my iron play, and I didn't have a clue what to do. I was desperate, so I set out to do research in a local bookstore. 

There I was, searching through the shelves trying to find an answer to how the pros master their iron play. And that's when it happened.... After 45 minutes of searching I stumbled across this important "all but forgotten" 1962 manuscript.

Introducing: "How To Master The Golf Irons"

Who said that learning how to play the golf irons had to be H-A-R-D W-O-R-K?

If you're as lazy as I am, and just want to get out on the course and play great golf (and humiliate your golfing buddies by winning every bet along the way), then you're gonna LOVE this….

Now, I don't want to shock you.... but this wonderful gem contains a unique formula for perfecting your own iron play. Finally! You can forget the agony and frustration of trying to learn difficult new tactics.... and discover the stunningly simple secret behind why the top pros consistently score low on tough courses, under grueling pressure.

In fact, this is the kind of "insider" golf that is hidden from most amateurs. None of your buddies will ever get close to even knowing this stuff exists. But the best part of all is that this remarkable program is so easy to follow, that you'll understand it within minutes.

I know it sounds too good to be true, but hear me out for a moment....

Let's face it, you know as well as I do that trying to play the golf irons, whilst controlling your breath, stance, swing, and every single muscle in your body is very tough!

There's no doubt, it's probably the most complex lesson for any golfer to master.

"Frankly, It's The Only Part Of Your
Game You Can't Fake"

Of course, some people will say you can do fine without mastering the golf irons. WRONG! Just take a look at their inconsistent scores and judge for yourself. Their handicaps are an instant giveaway!

What's worse is most golfers don't know the first thing about how to use their iron clubs. 

Each time they try, they either top it, or chunk it or hook the shot so badly, they practically never touch them anymore. And that's a shame. Because the irons are your best friends when you're on those long 4- and 5-par holes. 

Make no mistake: they're an absolutely essential part of your game.

You see, if you knew how to use those irons, you could actually get the ball on the green in 2- or at least close enough to be on in 3- without any problems whatsoever. 

This is the key to shaving strokes off your game like the pros. Once you discover how to use the irons, you won't have to sacrifice distance (and strokes) anymore. Heck, you won't even need to rely on your favorite driver just to advance down the fairway.

Believe me, you could be covering twice as much distance in a single shot if you knew how to use those irons. In fact, once you know the secret, you'll discover that they're the most easiest clubs to hit in your entire bag!

Listen, you may have heard that mastering the art and science of professional quality iron play is a subject you can learn about from books and practice. 
But there's a BIG problem....

Most books on the subject are filled with boring descriptions and tips, and not enough actual illustrations and proof to show you exactly how to dominate the game. In reality, you practically have to be a brain surgeon to figure it all out! 

But Now There's Some
Really Good News

Recently a long-lost manuscript by a highly acclaimed professional golfer was re-discovered. His work is the top secret resource that many golfers used to perfect their iron play and up until now, it has never been exposed before.

Aside from that, you'll be glad to know that the sheer power, simplicity, and effectiveness of this fantastic manuscript will launch you into a whole new category of golfing expertise. It's what you should have been taught all your life! 

My strong hunch is, it's going to take the golf world by storm. 

Here's what it's all about:  For starters, you'll eliminate all inconsistencies in your Long game and instantly correct all errors in your iron play... In addition to that, you'll add 40 yards-plus to every iron club in your bag... And automatically force your iron shots to be more accurate and precise like a laser guided missile! Best of all, it's so Simple.... Easy and Fast! 

Moreover, it only takes a few minutes to understand how to master the irons and hit the ball like a true professional  (seriously!). And after hitting just ONE bucket of balls at the practice range, you'll never go back to your old style of playing again!

And guess what?

You'll Be Playing Like A Pro In No Time
Hitting Longer, Stronger And Straighter Shots
With No Extra Effort
You'll baffle your friends as you hit 40 to 50-yards longer with your iron clubs every time... eliminating your hooks and slices (forever!).... and shaving 10 to 20 strokes off your game in the process! And while everyone else continues to have "good" days and "bad" days on the links you'll be treating every green and fairway as your own "home court advantage" that allows you to make up for weak drives, bad lies and even sand-trap woes with dead-solid-perfect iron play that would make Ben Hogan jealous!

By the way, prepare yourself to enjoy golf like never before.... to play the way you've always wanted to play.... and to be admired (and envied) by all your golf buddies! Because you're going to start nailing pars and birdies like a PGA touring pro, no matter how tough the course is, or how much pressure is on you, or how much your buddies try to distract you.

I hate to tell you this, but you're only a few moments away from pissing off a whole bunch of your golfing buddies. Pretty soon, they're going to hate your guts and they may never want to play golf with you ever again.  That my friend, is the highest form of respect you can get on the golf course.

Time Out! "Want the 3 Secrets Guaranteed To HelpYOU Become A Master Iron Player?"

It's my 3-part email course sent to you every-other-day. Discover:

 The jealously-guarded secret behind the open stance and closed  clubface positions that allows you to exert more control over your swing!
How to position the iron clubs correctly and automatically accelerate the clubhead to its maximum speed.

 Exceptional, yet little-known secrets of the interlocking and unlap grips that instantly applies more power through the clubshaft and clubhead.
And much, much more!

In as little as 2 minutes You can find out how to avoid the critical mistakes that most golfers make and plenty more! There's no obligation. It's a FREEgift for a limited time only. Plus, you'll get our "How-To" Secrets EZine filled with all-new, 100% original "Golf" tips and strategies to lower your scores like never before.

And don't worry... you won't be spammed and I will NEVER sell or rent your email address. You'll receive my newsletter mini-course + my weekly TIPS newsletter. You'll be able to unsubscribe with one-click at ANY time.

Finally Introducing The Right (and the Wrong)
Way to 'Master The Golf Irons'

This newly released work called How To Master The Golf Irons is the quickest and easiest way to learn the irons. 

Inside this magnificent work you'll get over 60 detailed illustrations of the Short, Long, and Medium Irons, from different angles, both in still poses and in movement. Absolutely everything any golfer would need.

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