Hit the golf ball farther

So let me share with you the extraordinary results some of my clients have witnessed by transforming their golf swings.

Ordinary people, like you and me, with incredible results.

Online, I have had the pleasure of helping just over 13,270 people worldwide realize their dreams of significantly cutting their handicap.

I created this web site to ensure you do not waste all your years on the range as I once did. Agreed? In short I have discovered what it really takes to transform anyone's golf swing - by this, I mean real people like you and me.

They have names and faces. I never won any junior golf events throughout my teens and I was convinced I would never be able to improve. I cannot tell you the number of times I burnt a hole in my pocket convinced I had found the next "all singing - all dancing" golf improvement course. I bought all the magazines and DVDs, and everytime I would fall for the latest golf trainer product - you should see my garage!

However many golf lessons I had, however many golf DVDs I watched, however many golf magazines I read, however many times I practiced - I never seemed to get better.

It goes without saying that as with all golfers you would like to hit the golf ball farther. Whether you are struggling to keep up with your golfing buddies, want to carry trouble on a particular hole, reach the corner of a dogleg or simply play your approach shots with more loft, the common denominator is you need to hit the ball farther.