Perform a proper golf swing while in this position

The game of golf is truly an individual sport. Each person will have to adapt their bodies to perform a proper golf swing in their own way. Many players tuck their heads into their chests to try and keep their heads still and look straight down at the golf ball. Unfortunately, they cannot perform a proper golf swing while in this position.

The next time you approach the ball, assume the correct stance with your feet and knees in position but keep your head and back straight, bend forward slightly at the waist and look straight at the ball. If you try and take a swing in this position, your left shoulder will most likely hit your chin.

While keeping your eyes on the ball, raise your head slowly until your left shoulder does not hit your chin. Slowly go through the backswing and downswing portions of your golf swing. 

Make minor corrections to your head and body position as needed to keep your eyes straight on the ball and your left shoulder from hitting your chin. You are doing the same thing by "training" your body to keep your head straight and position itself so that you can successfully execute a proper golf swing.

Another basic step that can work greatly towards improving your golf swing is to relax. Regardless of the golf clubs you use, your balance is the primary foundation of your golf swing, and the way to achieve good balance is to practice. Keeping your head straight and maintaining good balance are just two basic parts of a great golf swing.

The exercises given above are just two ways that you can start training now to improve your golf swing. Improving your golf swing begins and ends with you. Training the muscles of your body to properly perform specific movements takes time and practice. The effort spent improving your golf swing will pay off on the course.