Golf fitness coach. How about muscle function during the golf swing?
If you are going to find a golf fitness coach, an easy way to do is to
research on line or ask very golf specific swing technique question, or
maybe to take a look about the info on web. You will find out this
person you target and read the review for the program whether it can
help your golf swing game and health.
A golf fitness coach or program should incorporate strength,
flexibility, endurance, body awareness, balance, stability and even a
nutrition component.
It’s easy for a trainer to have a strength component…but is it specific to golf? Now stretching. You want specific stretches.
Body awareness. Does any of the exercises resemble golf positions or
phases of the swing? As stated above, if they are seated on machines,
your body will learn nothing in regards to your golf swing.
Training your body specific to golf incorporates positions almost
identical to what your body would be in during any part of the golf
Stability. Training your body to improve stability in your swing can
get a little complex if you really want to see results. One of the
biggest flaws of amateur golfers is moving in their golf swing.
I could go on-and-on about the requirements of a golf fitness coach or
program. I have heard horror stories of golfers working with
‘so-called’ golf fitness experts and their game getting worse. So
definitely consider a golf fitness coach.