Golf Swing Myths: Generate more power off the tee

Power can be elusive to golfers

Power can be elusive to golfers. Is true power generated through technique, strength or something more?

Every golfer wants more power, more distance, more consistency.

1. Spinal Rotation. Every time you swing the golf club, you rotate around your spine. Increase your spinal rotation and a new sense of power will be released.

 2. Core Based Exercises. When you have good core stability, the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen work in harmony.

The core is the power zone. A well-developed core allows for improved force output, increased neuromuscular efficiency, and decreased incidence of overuse injuries.

3. Plyometrics. Plyometrics are any exercise where the muscle is contracted eccentricly then immediately, concentricly.

Mean driving distance increased 4.3% for the combined training group, with mean club head speed increasing 1.5%.

 Once you incorporate these 3 techniques into your exercise program, you’ll never be disgruntled about driving distance or power generation again.