Do you dream of consistent laser-guided precision in your drives?

Do you dream of consistent laser-guided precision in your drives? We'll believe it or not, you don't need any fancy technology.

You can develop pin-point, repeatable accuracy with your own in-built laser guidance system. "My own in built laser?" 

you might ask. Yes, my friend, it's called the power of focus and with a little practice you can easily acquire this skill that will make you the envy of the fairway. You'll enjoy the pleasure of seeing those balls smack your targets just like a laser-guided bomb.

Precision Strokes on The Fairway – Have you ever consistently hit great long range precision shots at the driving range only to find yourself disappointed with lack luster performance on the fairway? 

Your fall–off in performance is most likely to do with your mental game. With the much less structured environment of the fairway, your brain has many more distractions to contend with. 

In much the same way as a race car driver recovers from a skid, it is crucial that you withdraw your focus from where you do not want the ball to go, like bunkers and such and focus instead on where you want it to go.

Focus, Focus, Focus - Your brain works to render the dominant image that you hold in your head. I

f your image is one of not “hitting the bunker”, the bunker is the most likely outcome you will create. Instead, concentrate on where you intend the ball to go at the exclusion of all else. Choose a narrow feature of your target area like a tree branch or a distinctive patch of grass. 

Visualize the ball landing exactly where you want it. With intent focus and only thoughts of where you want the ball to go, you will produce your desired result. Focus, focus, focus is your key to ensuring the ball goes precisely according to your intention. With this crucial mental factor addressed, let’s take a look in the technique department.

The Chill Factor – You know, if there’s a common ingredient to superior performance in all sports, it’s the relaxation or “chill” factor. Paradoxically relaxation often overcomes brute force. 

It’s a key a principal underlying martial arts like Aikido and it’s the essence of what football great and recent winner of ‘Dancing with the Stars’, Emmitt Smith calls being in the “zone”. If you’re flexible and you have “give” in you body, you can more easily take effective, clear-headed, responsive action in any given situation. 

The same holds true for your golf. Cultivate the intention of relaxation over power in your game and focus on striking the golf ball in a relaxed, easy manner. You’ll exert less effort in your swing and you’ll be surprised when the ball travels an equal if not greater distance, then when your intent is on power driving. So chill and enjoy.

Cultivate Your Swing Plane – To achieve repeatable accuracy, you must ensure that your club-head follows a consistent path in the same “swing plane” every time. Think of your swing plane as an inclined disc that envelops the trajectory of your club. Swing planes are as unique as thumb prints. 

So you’ll need to experiment with your arm positioning to discover the right swing plane that works for you. Move slowly through your downswing and notice how individual adjustments of the different joint angles lead to consistency and comfort. Again, comfort is your key indicator. Remember if it’s not comfortable it’s not right for you.

Align Your Clubface – It might seem obvious but the alignment of your clubface directly dictates the trajectory of your ball. You can maximize control over of your clubface angles by ensuring that your leading wrist is flat with respect to your forearm through your downswing to impact. 

Don’t be tempted to snap your wrists at the bottom of your swing. It’s a common misconception amongst amateur gofers that the “wrist snap” gives more power. It doesn’t. According to Theodore Jorensen, expert on the physics of golf, this action reduces club head speed. What’s more it screws up your club head alignment. So keep those wrists flat and you’ll enjoy a great foundation for whacking the ball at the proper angle every time.

Laser Guided Precision – Yes, practice these simple strategies and enjoy a wonderful improvement in your accuracy and your scoring. Remember to think David over Goliath and cultivate accuracy over power. Chill out, get in your “zone” and be relaxed in your swing action. Cultivate you unique swing plane for repeatability. 

Keep your wrist flat for refined control over your clubface alignment. And finally, whack those balls with laser-guided precision when you tie it all together with the simple mental strategy of “Focus, Focus, Focus”.

As the new golf season rolls around, you may find yourself saying the words, "I think I've got it".  Why?  Because for most of us, the beginning of the season brings us some surprisingly good rounds of golf.  

It's funny how you haven't played golf seriously in about 4-6 months, yet right out of the gate, you end up playing some of the best golf of the year.  This, of course, leaves you scratching your head because you remember how last year wasn't so great.  So what happened over the course of the winter that is allowing you to play so well now?

Maybe your new found skill occurs because you took a break over the winter months?  Maybe it's the new clubs you received for Christmas?  Maybe you read a tip in a golf magazine? Or maybe you are taking the game less seriously? To be honest with you, it's a little bit of all of these things. Here's what I mean ...

Taking a Break

When you take a break for a few months over the winter you seem to forget what you were working on at the end of last year.  The things that were important to you then, aren't so important anymore.  This not only eases your mind but it also allows you to lighten up a little and stop you worrying about your swing.  Because of this, you may play a little better at the start of the year.

Excuses ... Excuses

Starting a new season gives you a great excuse if you play poorly.  What is it?  Simple ... it's the beginning of the season!  Typically, the beginning of the season allows you to be a little more care free.  This care free attitude allows you to have more fun and minimize your expectations.  If your expectations are low you may be pleasantly surprised at how well you play.

Golf Tips

How does a golf tip make you play better golf at the beginning of the year?  The obvious reason is that it may actually help to improve your swing.  Secondly, it gets you thinking of 1 swing thought instead of 10.  This concentration on only one thing allows you to remain focused instead of confused.  This kind of clarity can help you play quite well at the beginning of the season as well.

New Equipment

When you try a new driver or putter it feels different versus your old club.  Because of this, you're thinking so much about the new feel of the new club that you forget about your swing.  When you don't think about your swing, you usually hit the ball quite well.  So this too can add to some great rounds at the beginning of the season.

Summing It All Up

To sum it all up, all of these things I mentioned stop you from thinking too much about the mechanics of your swing when you go to play.  If you aren't thinking about the mechanics of your swing, you can think about getting the ball in the hole which is what you should be always thinking about every time you play, not just at the beginning of the season.