Amazing Golf Instruction At Your Leisure

However, it is not magic at all! You see, what I learned from this book had almost nothing to do with me… and everything to do with the amazing new swing developed by one of America's best-known teaching professionals Joe Dante (former president of the New Jersey Professional Golfers' Association) over 40 years ago.

Known as the professional who spill the beans on the secrets other pros don't want amateurs to ever find out about (subscribe to my newsletter to find out the 25 golf fallacies golf pros tried to keep hidden for so long)? Joe played with — and beat— many of the best golfers in the game, and spent a lifetime learning the science behind the pro game. When he decided to reveal his advanced secrets, smart golfers paid real close attention.

I Devoured Every Single Page.
I Felt As if I had Been Hit by a Lightning Bolt!

Friends would buy me a beer so as I would spend some time helping them with their swings.

Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

I decided to create a unique new improved version that shows the individual golfer— from beginner to pro — how to improve their golf swing him or herself.

Regardless if they have been playing the game 3 months or 30 years!

Amazing Golf Instruction At Your Leisure .

I promise you, you will notice dramatic transformations in your golf swing almost immediately! Moves To Winning Golf" Course? Tap into the "Bull Whip Crack" of your right arm ... which provides the most power humanly possible... replicating the classic "hitters" like Arnold Palmer and the late Moe Norman (This is the magic move you must make - you finally become a hitter, where your muscles play a huge role and you let the club do all the work. This will work wonders for you, and you will never go back to being "slapper", forever trying to force grace from your swing... and forever having unpredictable results!)
Learn to use the natural torque in your pivot to blow right through the ball with accelerating power, just like Tiger Woods and Sergio Garcia! It is unconscious, because most amateurs simply never realized the importantance of this move!
YES, you really can unlock your "hidden" power to accumulate in consistent shots repeatedly!

Learn how to hit the perfect inside-out swing naturally - as if you were born with it - You'll never look back once you see your ball still rising whilst your opponent's is dropping!

All the Secrets of a legendary golf teacher revealed in a clear and concise form.
How To Play From Uneven Lies?

Learn the correct technique from uphill, downhill, side hill, from a divot and in heavy rough.
How to Avoid the Embarrassment of Topping Your Opening Drive? I show you the one-step easy solution.
Why You Shank the Ball and how to eliminate it forever.
How To Stop Mistiming Your Long Irons? Learn the powerful techniques to ensure smooth crisp well-timed golf shots today.
How To Hit The Ball Further Learn the powerful techniques to hit it 20 - 35 yards further!