Golf Swing Myths: A Great Golf Swing is an indivisible whole

You considered your swing and felt as a single unity, rather than the instantaneous position of the inheritance or even inherited. Swing is an indivisible whole.

Now I consider that our golf is liable to go wrong if we lose sight of any of these essentials. There are of course innumerable incidentals that could be added that are important enough to have a considerable influence on one's game, but I will go so far as to say that if you have these six essentials well embedded in your system and if you have developed some conscious control of your swing by getting the feel of the right movements—your game will rarely or never desert you.

Of course the comfortable, reliable, right feel is not a thing that comes all at once. For instance, it takes years—though not if your teacher teaches by feel—to

feel nicely set and comfortable before the ball; weight between the feet, perfectly free and active and yet firmly planted.