Tiger Woods PGA undisputed king

Tiger Woods PGA undisputed king. Imagine, if you can sit for a few minutes with the Tigers, pick his brain, to help improve your game. The following are some of the great Tiger Woods golf skills tips.

It is All about Rhythm

Every player has his or her own natural rhythm. If the rhythm is off, Tiger misses a swing or two. When things are flowing for him, he has to work a little to get it back into a natural rhythm.

So, how do you learn to keep your natural rhythm? There are a few ways Tiger suggests to help you find your groove and keep it.

Tiger has a practice routine that he does before every single game. Long before he swings for that first hole, Tiger plans the whole game ahead. He prepares himself for the game mentally and emotionally. This involves relaxation, and deciding his game plan beforehand.

An awkward, uncertain first shot is a sure-fire rhythm-killer.

Keep Things Steady

The next time you watch Tiger play, pay attention to the way he walks to the next hole. Tiger recommends a good pre-routine warm-up that helps you get into a relaxed frame of mind. 

Posture Means Perfect

When asked for practical golf tips, Tiger Woods always mentions posture. Tiger always stands straight and tall, a decent distance from the ball so that he can keep his chin up.